Thursday, January 24, 2008

Lack of effecient fire fighting facilities

Fire in Gasa dzong, reads a headline at Kuenselonline, where fire had threatened to destroy the fortress on the morning of 23 January 2008.

Now fire cases in Dzongs and Lhakhangs and other wooden structures in Bhutan is not a recent development. Drugyel Dzong, Paro was razed to the ground by fire in 1951. Paro Taktshang suffered a devastating fire on unknown origin during the night of April 19, 1998. It was restored to its original structure recently at huge funds

The absence of proper and effective fire fighting facilities in most of the Dzongs and Monasteries is a major problem. The recent fire at Gasa Dzong saw people fetching water from more than a hundred metres from the Dzong.
The Gasa dzongda said that the wooden structures of the dzong were burnt but it was difficult to assess the actual damage to the dzong and its treasures. He said that people from the hot springs at the bottom of the valley had rushed up to help fight the fire.

What must be done to ensure effective fire fighting techniques in the future? The Royal Government of Bhutan must provide a proper and effecient fire fighting facilities in Dzongs, Monasteries and other places of historical and social importance.

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